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Morning Drop Off at South:
The tardy bell at South rings at 7:40 a.m. If you do not see a staff member in the side of the car drop off area, it means that the bell has sounded and you will need to come into the front entrance to sign in your child. Parents are reminded that students are not to be dropped off before 7:25 a.m. We do not have staff available to supervise children until 7:25 a.m. NO student may be dropped off early

South Map

Absence Reporting:
Between 4:00 p.m. and 7:15 a.m., parents may call the South Elementary number 317.745.2131 and follow the prompt to access the Attendance Line. , or email the office at Please be sure to include the following: your child's name, grade and teacher, date of absence, the reason for the absence, and your name and relationship to the child. 


Change of Destination:

If you know your child will have a change of destination, please send a note in to the teacher and/or call/email the main office at 317.745.2131 or If a change comes up during the day, please notify the office prior to 1:30 pm.


If your child attends PACE afterschool and you have made a destination change, please notify PACE that your student will not be attending for that day. You can email Mitzi Dennison at